"Convert Key-Value set to Log" plugin
I am a newbie on the topic.
I am having problems to understand the attributes used in the Key-Value plugin when a CSV file is imported and it is required to map them to create a proper log, that will depend on what you want to analyze.
In particular, there are a few fields that I find very confusing as the names are similar while others I think convey a wrong idea on what they are to be used. I have tried to map my fields them in a number of different ways without being able to extract a useful log structure that helps to have a well defined process.
The fields are:
Trace identifier
time: timestamp
In my logs, I have:
timestamp that I have mapped to timestamp
a row number identifying each line on my file (each event)
a case Id
a user performing the action
the action being performed: create, update, close, delete
a category for the action being performed
What I want is to group by case Id.
It is not clear to me after making several attempts to what field assign the case ID, the combinations I have tried map all my events to one case or make each event one different case.
There are other fields, but I think those are more straighforward or only required for advanced use cases:
And in general, where can I find documentation for the mentioned plug-in?
Secondarily, is there a way to modify the default separator used when importing a CSV file?
Thanks in advance for your help
Have a look at the new CSV importer in ProM 6.5:https://svn.win.tue.nl/trac/prom/export/22836/Documentation/LogCSVImport.pdf
Howdy, Stranger!
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