Options for get a petri net
Actually i trying using IPL Mining algorithm or Alpha algorithm for get a petri net resource for use it in a discrete event simulation software. The idea will be to build with a plugin of proM, with a input (log) and an output (petriNet). The sintax of result petriNet must be readed for this discrete event simulation software so i need flexibility in the output of this petriNet else i must adapt his output.
My question is the next. Who is the best way to do a petri net in proM for this develop?.
Dear Siku,
I'm afraid your question is not fully clear for me. Could you clarify?
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
i want to create my own plugin that call other plugin like alpha algorithm, inside this plugin i want to get the output of alpha algorithm (petri net) and modify the sintax of this petri net to other format in my plugin, for return it. In summary, a plugin with a input of log and a output of a petrinet but i dont want the output of alpha algorith i want to caught the output of this call to alpha algorith and do things with her and then generate other output with my modification of the output (alpha algorithm). So how could i call other plugins in my own plugin? maybe this was the question. My apologize for my explication. I dont know if i explain clearly.
Dear Siku,
First of all, we assume that you created your own package, for instance by taking the GettingStarted package, and adding your code in there.
The following page explains how to include another package in your package:
A package that actually uses the Alpha miner is:
(which uses the Ivy approach explained in the previous link)
The code shows how you can ask the Alpha miner to return a Petri net from a given input event log.
Hope this helps and happy coding!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
I currently try to interact in my sandbox-plugin with another one, to get a petri net from an XLog-Object.
I tried to used the Alphaminer-Plugin as you suggested above, but unfortunately the class for this plugin can not be found.
(import org.processmining.alphaminer.plugins.AlphaMinerPlugin;)
Is it moved to another location? Or do I need to import some code before and add it to the classpath?
I also tried another suggestion in the forum, which can be found here:
It gives me an exception that can be seen in the attached pdf-file. Additionally the code used can be seen there.
I would be very happy if you can help me with this.
Best regards,
Hi Oliver,
By default no plug-ins are included in your code, so if you want to use the Alpha miner for instance, you have to include that code into your project. You can do this in two ways:
1. In Eclipse check out the Alpha miner project from the repository and make your project dependant on this project (via project properties)
2. by adding an SVN external reference to the latest release of the Alpha miner
See the following pages for more info:
https://svn.win.tue.nl/trac/prom/wiki/Packs (see compile time dependency)
My points are not sufficient if you want to release your package but should suffice to continue coding.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hey Joos,
thank you very much for your help!
Meanwhile I was able to solve the problem by downloading the plugin src-code from the SVN rEpository, converting it into a jar-file and adding it to the build path of my project.
Best regards,
Note that this is not the recommended approach, as there is a pre-build jar file available for each package that you can include dynamically which is also updated when the package has a new release. See the second link in my previous post.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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