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Guidance for developing ProM Plugin

edited May 2015 in Announcements / News

Dear all,

I want to Implement an Idea of mine as ProM plugin. But, the problem that I've been facing from many days is, End to end ProM plugin development documentation is hardly availble on internet. Only bits and pices of plugin development process are made public. Really people like me are not getting any support for contributing our idea as plugin in ProM. I have tried to contact many those who are very active in the area of process mining, but the result is same, passive response.

Here, Iam making sinciere request to you all, if any one of you know and good at developing plugin for prom please guide me till I build my first working plugin.

And please let me know if there is any documentation available on plugin development process.

In anticipation of help from you fellow researchers,

Thank you all in advance





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