Inductive Visual Miner (IvM) - some questions
I've got some questions concerning the use of the IvM. I've successfully mined the following model from my log:
My problem is: I don't know how to interpret the small white circles in this model.
Furthermore I've got this question:
Did I understand it right that the "+" is a sign that two or more activities are executed parallel?
Thanks in advance.
The "+" sign is indeed an and split, i.e. the following paths are to be executed in parallel.
Regarding the white circles I'm also struggling to understand all of them Some of them are obvious that they are needed but as appears in your attached image, some of the circles in the top path should be possible to remove. Or?
The small white circles are routing constructs, i.e. they denote choice. In Petri net notation, they would correspond to places. Intuitively, if you follow the edges, you can safely ignore them.
@fordanic: in the top path, they are indeed redundant and could be removed. It's on my list to fix at some point
The + is indeed a parallel split (or join).
Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
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