Plug-ins not visible in ProM
A few days ago I installed the newest prom 6.4 on my windows 8.1 system. I installed all the packages with the package manager, but then when I opened the prom UI, I couldn't find some plug-ins, e.g.: heuristics miner, pattern abstractions, ETConformance. I double checked to see if the necessary packages were installed. I even tried to reinstall prom and reinstall the packages (first removing the home directory), but still I keep having the same problems. Is the problem caused by the specific packages or what can I do?
EDIT: (solution provided by mr. Verbeek)
1. Via Windows registry (via regedit) delete the folder Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\org\processmining\framework\plugin\impl, or remove al content
2. Start ProM via the ProM64.bat script in your installation folder
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