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Convert to event log

edited October 2013 in - XESame
Hi all, 

I read in the chapter of case study of master thesis  made by J.Buijs that data can be converted to an event log using java . Can any one tell me if there is a specific code , library to do this or should i write my own code to do this,. Thanks in advance 


  • Hi,
    I forgot to say that I have the information about the user and each user may have ununique id , the action they did, the time and additional information in an csv file . Thanks.

    Khitam Salman
  • Along with the thesis comes a tool.
    I moved your discussion to the appropriate category.
    Reading the other topics in that category will certainly help you further.
    Joos Buijs

    Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
    Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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