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DWS plugin issues

edited July 2013 in ProM 6
   I have Prom 6.2 installed on Windows machine. However I fail to find DWS plugin or Sequence clustering plugin. How can I get these plugins? I am using Prom GUI and not SVN packages in eclipse. Please help me out.


  • Hi Pooja,

    Did you check in the ProM Package manager (a separate tool used to (de)install and update packages which contain plug-ins)?

    It could also be that the plug-ins you're looking for are not present (yet) in ProM 6 but are in ProM 5.

    Please let me know whether this helps or if you need further help.
    Joos Buijs

    Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
    Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Hi,

    I have been this same problem.

    I'd like to use this plugin, but in ProM 6 I don't find, only in ProM 5.

    Do you know other plugins that make clustering in ProM 6?

    PhD candidate - UFRJ Brazil

  • Hi,
    Any clue if we can use DWS plugins in ProM 6.9? 
    I would request to share if there is any other similar plugin for clustering of logs in latest ProM?
  • Hi,

    Not all plug-ins from ProM 5.2 have been rewritten to ProM 6 plug-ins. Possibly, the functionality you're looking for is simply not available in ProM 6. ProM 6 does include some trace clustering plug-ins, like ActiTraC. Please see for a full list of plug-ins available in ProM 6.9.

    Kind regards,

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