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Conversion from ARIS EPC to VISO EPC with ProM possible?
I am new to this framework. Its a quite interessting tool. If anyone can help me on this question: Can you import ARIS EPC file via xml/aml import into PROM and export this EPC into Visio? What do I need for this? Which steps have to be done?
Edit Joos Buijs: moved to ProM5/models
Dear Hans/Denis,
This seems to be possible as it is discussed (in the reverse direction) in the following paper:
To do this you would need ProM 5.2 which can be downloaded here:
At the moment I don't think that the necessary convertor plug-ins are available in ProM 6 (although I think that importing EPML is implemented but I'm not sure).
Let me/us know if you manage to convert your file!Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thank you Joos for your quick answer. I have downloaded the 5.2 version and imported the aml file. Where can I find the configuration for this plugin? Because when I import the file in prom, the epc is reduced only to functions and events, the data, informationsystems and organizational entities are not visible. Even if I activate them with the right-click menu on the imported epc graph.
The next problem ist, that there is no export possibility into format which can be used by Visio. Is there a solution known for this?
Denis -
Dear Denis,
In ProM 5.2 there are several types of plug-ins. The AML plug-in is of the type 'import' which usually does not have configuration options. I'm assuming that either the AML import or the EPC model in ProM 5.2 does not support this kind of data.
In the paper that I mentioned they import a Visio file, I therefore assumed that ProM 5.2 is/was also able to export to this file format.
Unfortunately I have no aml file to test it and I don't have experience with im- and exporting EPC files.
I'll ask around at the office on Monday.
I'm sorry I can't help you any further.Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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