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OutOfMemory when importing an XES file in default/buffered mode

edited March 2013 in - Development
Hi everyone,

I've got a memory problem when importing a 285 MB XES log file. When importing the file with the default mode I get the exception "OutOfMemoryError: Map failed". Using the native mode I can import the file without a problem but depending on what I do I get the exception "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" during plugin execution. I attached both error messages in full length.

I'm working on my own package having the latest ProM libraries from the SVN. I have a 32-bit system with 4 GB of physical RAM installed (i.e. about 3 GB accessible RAM). I have put the JVM Xmx-Flag to 1400MB and I cannot increase it anymore because I get an error otherwise as it is not possible to allocate more memory.

Any ideas what I could do to get around that?

Best regards,

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