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Pattern Abstraction (Export Selected Log: Export Selected Log Yet To Be Implemented) {ProM 6.1}
Good day, friends!
I follow by proM tutorial.pdf and i have some troubles.
I can't in pattern abstraction plugin use "export log", this message was shown:
"Export Selected Log Yet To Be Implemented"
What i do wrong?
Screenshot in attach.
p.s. Documentation for ProM needs to correction.
Use the latest version of the plug-in from ProM repository. The functionality is supported now but not in ProM 6.1.
Kind Regards,
Thank you very much.But in proM 6.2 "Pattern abstraction" view of log don't exist.
There seems to be a problem with ProM 6.2 and Pattern Abstractions plug-in as noted in one of the previous discussions on the forum. Please use the Pattern Abstractions source from the repository and run it via eclipse in the mean time.
Kind Regards,
Sorry,i should to open .ProM62\packages\patternabstractions-6.1.38\PatternAbstractions.jar By (for example) Eclipse Juno?
No. What I meant is that you can download the source from the Packages/PatternAbstractions/Trunk on ProM repository. You need to have access to download the source, which you can obtain from Eric Verbeek.
To download the source files of a package one does not need to have an account but anonymous user credentials should work
(From point 1b)
The full ProM repository URL for the PatternAbstractions pattern is:
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
jcbose, JBuijs thanx fo all!I will be happy if you help me with:I downloaded all files from Packages/PatternAbstractions/Trunk directory.I never use eclipse for java, java... I don't know structure of java project... What i should to do with files and eclipse juno for java developers? what is main file of PatternAbstraction project?
So, what i do:1. Create a new java project2. Import ->General->FileSystem. Selected PatternAbstractions/Trunk folder. All files copies to my_pjt/src.3. Eclipse show many erorrs (see attach...)
1. Please see the following link to see how to setup eclipse and svn
2. Once you have setup eclipse and svn, you can checkout the package "" as a Java project from eclipse SVN plug-in that you just added as in the previous step
3. Once you have the package as a java project in eclipse, run the ProM with UITopia(PatternAbstractions).launch file
Jcbose,1. i installed eclipse, java and subclipse.2. How to checkout java project? Right click on project and click "validate"?3. How to run ProM with UITopia(PatternAbstractions).lauch file?Sorry for this questions.
2. In eclipse, you select the source of import as SVN->Project from SVN and select the resource to be:
It will automatically create PatternAbstractions project with.
3. Just right click on ProM with UITopia(PatternAbstractions).launch and click Run As->ProM with UITopia(PatternAbstractions)
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