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Concept drift plug-in

edited December 2012 in - Usage
Is there someone with a tutorial on how to use the concept drift plug-in in ProM? I tried using it by folowing this paper from the creator of the plug-in (Handling Concept Drift in Process Mining. R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose,...) but I keep getting infinite loops/nullpointer exceptions when I try it on my own simple dataset with only an activity/timestamp/caseID attribute. Does someone has some experience/tutorial or information on the use of this plug-in?


  • Hi,

    Firstly, there is no tutorial per say for the concept drift plug-in . However, I would recommend that you read/follow chapter 5 and Section 10.3 of my thesis, "Process Mining in the Large: Preprocessing, Discovery, and Diagnostics". The plug-in is straightforward once you read these two pieces. In case you still run into issues, can you please send your data set (anonymize it if need be)?

  • Thank you very much for your response. I will look into your literature as soon as possible. (quite busy with exams at the moment)


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