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Concept drift plug-in
Is there someone with a tutorial on how to use the concept drift plug-in in ProM? I tried using it by folowing this paper from the creator of the plug-in (Handling Concept Drift in Process Mining. R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose,...) but I keep getting infinite loops/nullpointer exceptions when I try it on my own simple dataset with only an activity/timestamp/caseID attribute. Does someone has some experience/tutorial or information on the use of this plug-in?
Firstly, there is no tutorial per say for the concept drift plug-in . However, I would recommend that you read/follow chapter 5 and Section 10.3 of my thesis, "Process Mining in the Large: Preprocessing, Discovery, and Diagnostics". The plug-in is straightforward once you read these two pieces. In case you still run into issues, can you please send your data set (anonymize it if need be)?
Thank you very much for your response. I will look into your literature as soon as possible. (quite busy with exams at the moment)Best,Dksissor
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