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Pattern Abstration not found
I'm currently working on the ProM 6 tutorial pdf (,
but I'm struggling with section 3.2 (Mining Case-Related Information
about a Process). I'm told to select the "Pattern Abstractions"
visualizer from the drop down list, but I only have the following
options: "Log Visualizer", "Show Sequences and Patterns" and "XLog
I can not neither find the PatternAbstraction action while selectin my log file.
I tried to clear the contents of the following registry key (using regedit) as suggest in a previous post but still the same problem ;
I'm currently working on the ProM 6 tutorial pdf (,
but I'm struggling with section 3.2 (Mining Case-Related Information
about a Process). I'm told to select the "Pattern Abstractions"
visualizer from the drop down list, but I only have the following
options: "Log Visualizer", "Show Sequences and Patterns" and "XLog
I can not neither find the PatternAbstraction action while selectin my log file.
I tried to clear the contents of the following registry key (using regedit) as suggest in a previous post but still the same problem ;
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be, i am stuck because of this ...
Thank you,
I'm having exactly the same problem (working through the tutorial) and came across the same old post .I went and installed the older version ProM 6.1 and the Pattern Abstractions visualizer is present exactly where it should be, but I have no luck in ProM 6.2. I've tried on Linux (my default) and on Windows, and in no case has re-installing, clearing the registry / hidden directories in the home directory, &c., made this visualizer available to me. I would very much like to be able to use this tool. Thanks in advance! //JT
Just as a "multiple users are affected" note, edgar seems to have the problem, as in
Another update on this; the Pattern Abstractions visualization doesn't appear in the nightly build (of 20121212) either.
Howdy, Stranger!
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