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converting 4Megabytes of CSV to XES takes 1,5 hours on core2duo laptop
Dear all,
I convert 4 Megabytes of CSV file to XES using XESAME 1.2.
It takes 1,5 hours and not finished yet.
My laptop spec is Core2Duo 1.8Ghz, 6GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit, Java 1.7.
Any solution how to convert 4 MB of CSV to XES for less than 30 minutes?
Thank you.
problem solved,rather than connecting XESAME directly to CSV file, I import CSV file to local database (access/sqlexpress) and then connect XESAME to local database.I attach my result: on 250 thousands of data rows, XESAME needs 1 hour 15 minutes to successfully convert to XES.thanks XESAME.
Howdy, Stranger!
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