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Can not connect XESame to database server,Nitro supports only 3% conversion,PromImport doesn't work!

edited September 2012 in - XESame
Hello everyone,
I have a problem with PromImport ! I can not Convert to MXML/XES using PromImport and XESame!
Unfortunately, demo version of Nitro also converts only 3% of the process!
Anyone can help me? How can i conver Excel, XML, Access Database or CSV file into MXMLor XES? I also faced an Error trying to connect XESame to a derby embedded database. Is
there any other alternative (much easier than) Nitro demo, XESame or
PromImport? I even thought to buy full Nitro package but it was soooo
expensive per month!!! My professor asked me to solve this problem! In
only 2 weeks, i must be able to convert a huge amount of CSV and XML
data into MXML/XES   Please help me! I know you can help me
Ph.D Candidate Parham, Bangkok, Thailand
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