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Summary and comparison of all prom mining algorithms
Best Answers
To the best of my knowledge there is no officially published paper covering all ProM discovery plugins.This is a paper which presents quite a few mining algorithms (only giving petri nets as result) but not all of them are available in ProM afaik:On the fluxicon blog Anne describes (shortly) three major ProM mining algorithms (Heuristics, Fuzzy and Multi phase miner:Chapters 5 and 6 of the Process Mining Book by van der Aalst might be of interest as well:In case you find a paper with a complete summary and comparison of all mining algorithms in ProM, let me know
Hi Isabel,
Again, thank you for answering a question.
I agree that there are just too many algorithms (and variations) that it is not possible to keep an updated comparison.
The Fluxicon blog post discusses the most well known discovery algorithms and how/when to use them.
@d2macster: If you find any relevant work, or if you are planning to create one, please add it to the topic
Also, you can 'manually compare' algorithms by looking up publications related to each individual algorithm.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
yes, you cannot manually compare those algorithms. thats why i was looking if someone did the actual numerical comparisons
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