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Plugin for visualizing log data.
I am wondering if there is a plugin that generate various graphs a log. For example.
1) Number of events per day (histrogram)
2) Number of event by event type (pie chart)
3) Distribution of event based on similar attribute (histrogram)
4) Number of people in each role (pie chart)
I am looking for generic information that can be retrieved from looking at event log similar to the log summary UI.
-- Deen
Best Answers
Hi Deen,
A master student has created the 'BasicPerformance' package that should do what you want.
Furthermore, the log visualization has more visualizers that might provide some of the information you need. Especially if you create the correct event classifiers it might already show what you want.
Please let me know if the basic performance package works for you!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Deen,
You can have a look at his master's thesis here:
Event classifiers are specified in the XES event log definition. You need to add your own classifier to your event log for ProM to recognize and use it. For more information see:
ProM does not create a database with the log data but uses the OpenXES Java library to read and modify the event log. The link above (to XES) also includes some pointers to the OpenXES Java library. You can write a ProM plugin that reads the event log and produces the information you require.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
Hi Joos,Please do give me the pointer to the basic performance package plugin and how can I get more visualizers? It would be great to get some common descriptive stats from the log.Could you clarify what you mean by "create the correct event classifiers" What is an event classifier? And How do I create them?I am currently making decision whether I should create my own program to collect data I need directly from the database, or create plugin in Prom to analyze the data based on the event log.Does Prom create database when it import the log? If I create a plugin, how do I work with the log data?-- Deen
Thanks Joos,Somehow I don't get any notification when there is a reply. Thank so much for the info.Many questions I want to answer is in the Thesis, how can I get the plugin? What is the name of the plugin? I can't find it in the Package Manage.How can I get more visualizers for Prom and how do I specify event classifier to get more visualization. For example.I would like to know the distribution cases based on duration. I want to plot a histogram for the cases in the low with the x-axis represent number of days it takes for a case to be resolved.In my When I look at the log there are only 3 options in the drop down list. (create new..., log visualizer, pattern abstraction). Based on your answer, I assume that there are more visualizer than what I currently have. How can I get them and how is it related to event classifier? After reading your Thesis and XES Spec, I start to understand how to define an event classifier, but I am still not how to make use of a custom event classier.Could you please give me an example to help me understand this?
I would be interested in that GPPA plug in as well! Is it already available to the public?
I couldn't find the actual plugin in package manager so I am waiting for Joos to tell us. I suspect that we may need to compile plugin ourselves. I see BasicPerformance package in the repositor. Just need Joos's confirmation before proceeding.
Hi Isabel and Deen,
The package is available in the ProM 6.1
repository. So you should see it in the package manager as the
'BasicPerformance' package.
Once installed it becomes available in ProM as 'Basic Performance Analysis' (on event log input).
Please let me know whether this works but be sure to use ProM 6.1 and not ProM 6.0!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos, thank you!I have ProM 6.1 and I don't have a basic performance package (what is the exact name?) in my user folder. On running the package manager manually, there is no basic performance package in the list of "up to date" packages nor in the "not installed" list (which is actually empty).I use the following repository:PACKAGE_URL = one does not include a BasicPerformance package. Should I use another repository url?Best wishes,Isabel
Hi Isabel,
It indeed appears to be not in the package repository.
The best way to use it is to check out the package's trunk folder and run it from Eclipse.
Although the fact that it is not available in the package repository can indicate that the quality is not good enough for 'production' work.
The names I mentioned in the last post are the actual names.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thank you for the explanation! In case I find some time to try that procedure, I will let you know whether it works!
Hi Joos,
I just installed PROM 6.2. I tried to install the BasicPerformance by S. Hernandez version 6.1.180 plugin but ran into problem.
When I tried to installed the plugin. The download page appears like this.
It doesn't download anything.
Can you let me know how can I fix this?
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