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general ProM6 usage.
Dear Narayan,
You have 2 options:
Option 1: From the 'objects view' (most left tab) select the .xes file and press the action button;
Option 2: From the 'action view', click on the 'click to add input object' box and select the object to use.
If you did this but don't see any plug-ins at all, then you need to install some packages (which should be done during the first startup of ProM).
To install packages close ProM 6 and start the ProM Package Manager. Then go to the 'uninstalled' tab, select the 'BPM 2010' package en click install. This will install most of the most commonly used packages/plug-ins and will you get started with process mining right away.
Hope this helps,
JoosJoos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
The certainly helped me.
one more query regarding generating .xes / .mxml file of my own data source.
I have a .csv file. how do i generate the ".mappings" for this file?
so that, using that i can generate .xes from XESame.
I tried to go through your thesis report. but i didnt find the explicit steps for generation of mappings.
Narayan. -
I replied in a seperate thread since the question is about XESame.
See for my response.
JoosJoos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
I have already used Prom5 and it worked well, now I want to try Prom6, but it does not run after installing.
I have Win7 and when I start the program, a (white-green) window come up (Prom6 The Process Mining Tookit, BPM 2010, etc.), but after nothing. What kind of problem is behind of this "not running"? Can anybody solve this problem? Thanks.
P. -
Dear 'pachf',
Could you try the following and report back if it worked?:- Start the ProM Package Manager (This came with the ProM 6 installation and is located in the same startmenu group as ProM 6)
- Go to the 'uninstalled packages' tab
- Select the 'BPM 2010' package and click install
- When the installations are finished, close the ProM Package Manager
- Try to start ProM 6 again
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
I went to the "uninstall packages" tab, but there was nothing :-(
P. -
First of all, I remembered incorrectly, the tab is called 'not installed'.
Is this list empty?
If so, could you check if there exists a '.ProM' directory in your user folder (which is most likely located at 'C:\Users\USERNAME'.Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Yes, "not installed" is empty. ".ProM" directory is there in "C:\Users...", but there is only one file "packages.xml".
P. -
'pachf', could you try the following for me?
Start a DOS command prompt in the ProM installation directory (tip: browse to the directory using Explorer and then shift-right click on the ProM-6.0 folder and select 'open command window here').
Could you then type 'prom6' and press enter in the DOS command prompt and post any errors here?Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
The full location is C:\Program Files (x86)\cd prom-6.0.5439
I tried the command "prom6" (in DOS command window), it started but after nothing (only the open screen is came up, but the ProM6 program window is no)....
In dos prompt, there are no placed errors...
Perhaps, the problem is in Win7 (64 bits)?
Dear pachf,
No, I'm running ProM 6 on WIndows 7 without problems.
In the DOS prompt, please run 'ProM6.bat' and check what happens. Note that the .bat part is vital, as otherwise Windows will start the .exe file. Running the .bat file will not show the splash screen, but will show messages.
Eric. -
It is clear, ok. So, in the DOS prompt (after prom6.bat command) I get: Exfeption in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI.main(
Thanks, P. -
Dear pachf,
Are you connected to the Internet while trying to run ProM 6?
The message you get indicates that ProM 6 is unable to determine the current status of the main package (see RELEASE_PACKAGE section in ProM.ini file), for which it requires an Internet connection. Having no Internet connection will explain this problem.
Eric. -
Dear Eric,
In the .ini file:
# Specifies which package should be installed
# Specifies the URL to the default package repository
# (default is "")
So, BPM2010 is not isntalled with install file together?
P. -
Dear pachf,
Unlike ProM 5, ProM 6 needs to download most of its plug-ins from a package repository. For us, this is very convenient as plug-in may now have a license that conflicts with the ProM 6 license (as we're not distributing them together). For you, this is convenient as you now only need to download the plug-in that match your operating system. For example, the ProM 6 Package Manager will not download Linux binaries when you're installing packages on a Windows platform.
On the downside, ProM 6 now comes without many plug-ins. However, if ProM 6 is started for the very first time, then the Package Manager will be run automatically, and the main package (called BPM2010) will be downloaded and installed. As a result, all other required packages will be downloaded and installed as well. Of course, during this phase, an Internet connection is required.
In your case, it seems that ProM 6 is unable to retrieve the default package repository. As a result, the test on whether the BPM2010 package is up-to-date fails.
Any success with the ProM6.bat file?
P.S.: Where I said Windows 7 in my previous comment, of course I meant to say a 64 bit version of Windows 7. -
Dear Eric,
I have connection to Internet (I use this machine also for run ProM), but I do not understand what can be the problem with my connection/ProM/Win7? Why package loading is do not work as you write above...
P. -
Dear pachf,
Could you run ProM6.bat from a command prompt, and upload the messages you get as a result? These might help...
Eric. -
Dear pachf,
Are you running the ProM6.bat file in the folder where you've installed ProM? The name C:\Users\pachf.FMT suggests not. In this case I would like to suggest that you run the ProM6.bat file from the installation folder, as this is where the ProM6.jar file is (which contains the main class which it is now unable to find).
Eric. -
Dear pachf,
Possibly, the JVM you're using could be the problem. Today, I had a user with similar problems as you have, and it turns out that the JAXP implementation s/he used did not support the setSchema() operation without throwing an UnsupportedOperationException. By now, we have changed our call (it will catch and ignore this exception), but in the mean time you might have better luck with tomorrow's nightly build or another JVM.
To add, you can find the ProM 5 and 6 downloads here:
Java Virtual Machines can be downloaded from
Let us know if it helped!Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear JBuijs,
I reinstall ProM6, JRE (on Win7), but ProM6 does not run.
When I run in command window ProM6PM.bat :
Loading packages...
then window come up, but at the Not installed area of window there are nothing :-(
I tried with the Nightly build version of ProM6, but it also did not work well.
The answer for running (in command window) of XESame10.bat file is: Connection timed out: connect
The answer for running (in command window) of ProM6.bat file is:
"Loading packages from ..."
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullpointerException etc.
How should I install ProM6 (and/or packages) to work it well?
Dear pachf,
Could you remove the .ProM directory in your user folder and start the package manager again? Then try to install the BPM2010 package and see if that works by checking the contents of the .ProM directory (which should be created and filled).
If the error for ProM 6 you get is the same as the one you posted in November 2010 (see a few posts above this one) then you'd best follow Eric's advise and install the official Java JDK (not related to ProM).
Let us know if this works!Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear JBuijs,I tried to install to an other computer where Win 7 Home Premium 32bits was, and it works! :-) I do not know why install was wrong to 64 bits Win 7 Professional...I saw the order example for XESAME, I opened it and it was ok (visualization also), but I have a question: it is possible to create a mapping for only one data table (no multi table with relations)?For example if we have a structure in a csv file:ID;date_of_order;date_of_delivery;product1;01-01-2011;03-01-2011;A1;01-01-2011;04-01-2011;A2;01-01-2011;04-01-2011;A3;01-01-2011;04-01-2011;B3;01-01-2011;04-01-2011;B4;01-01-2011;04-01-2011;A...It XESAME mapping works with non-uniqe ID, if I have only one ID for order and delivery (and product delivery are in two phase; e.g. product A first with ID 1 then the rest also with ID 1 but at the same day)? So I have full processes and I want to define ordering as trace and order, deliver as two events.Or it works only with more tables (order, delivery, etc.) and links between them?Thanks
Dear Pachf,
Good to hear that ProM and XESame now work, although it is still strange that it doesn't work on the 64bit Windows 7 machine. We use 64bit Windows 7 on several desktops without issues.
I answered your XESame question in this topic, to ensure that questions are organized in the correct category.Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear JBuijs,Yes, it is strange, and I tried on Ubuntu, but there installation also was unsuccessful.Ok, thanks, I follow in other topic.
Howdy, Stranger!
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