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Trouble launching ProM6.1
Last month my installation of ProM6.1 worked just fine. Today, however, I cannot get it to launch. After repeatedly failing to launch, I uninstalled the existing application, downloaded a fresh copy, and reinstalled - same problem. I am running under Windows 7 OS. I recently updated my java to version 1.6.0-29 (between the last successful use and now); several of my other programs, which use java and that were operational before update 29 still execute without problems. This is the only significant change that I can think of.
When I try to execute ProM6.1 (either the .exe or the .bat file) the javaw*32 process (java*32 for the .bat file) pops up in the Task Manager and hangs. After the splash screen has displayed for an appropriate interval, a dialogue box pops up with title "Launch4j" and informs me that "An error occurred while starting the application" - not a whole lot of help! Closing the dialogue box will not kill the javaw*32 process; I have to do it manually from the Task Manager. If I don't kill this process, repeating the boot step will have no result - not even the splash screen.
What gives?
Help greatly appreciated,
Edit JoosBuijs: changed category and made it a question. Eric: please mark the answer that solved your problem. This helps us in keeping track of open questions!
When I try to execute ProM6.1 (either the .exe or the .bat file) the javaw*32 process (java*32 for the .bat file) pops up in the Task Manager and hangs. After the splash screen has displayed for an appropriate interval, a dialogue box pops up with title "Launch4j" and informs me that "An error occurred while starting the application" - not a whole lot of help! Closing the dialogue box will not kill the javaw*32 process; I have to do it manually from the Task Manager. If I don't kill this process, repeating the boot step will have no result - not even the splash screen.
What gives?
Help greatly appreciated,
Edit JoosBuijs: changed category and made it a question. Eric: please mark the answer that solved your problem. This helps us in keeping track of open questions!
Best Answer
Hi Eric,I tried the same thing today (updating my java to 1.6.0-29), but I didn't have the same problem. As far as I know, the problems on starting up are typically caused by having no direct internet access, or corrupted files due to manual hacking. If you're sure that you don't have any internet connection problem, could you try to remove your .ProM61 folder inside folder "C:\Users\<username>" and restart ProM? The folder should be re-created, and you can use the package manager to install/re-install packages that you need.It may also useful to have a look at the following discussions:Regards,Arya
Removing the .ProM61 file and re-launching the executable did the trick!
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