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Inquiry on Source Code Availability for ProM Plugins

Hello everyone, I would like to inquire about the source code of plugins on ProM. I have found the source code for some plugins on the official GitHub, but this is only a small part. Many plugins that have been released do not have their source code included. Where can I find them?


  • Hi,

    In the folder on GitHub you will find the latest releases of all packages before they were moved to GitHub. The sources are included in the jar files. Note that this includes only the sources, but not any project-related files. If you need to build such a package, you need to create new project files, possibly by copying them from packages which are readily available on GitHub.

    Kind regards, Eric.

  • Thank you for your previous response. I have another question regarding the plugins available on ProM. Do the plugins published on ProM have a feature to revoke or retract their functionality?

    While reading a research paper, I noticed that the author demonstrated a plugin they designed, which I was unable to find within ProM. Attached is a screenshot from their paper showing the plugin. Following that are screenshots of the plugins I currently found in the ProM software. What could be the reason for this discrepancy? Is it possible that the plugin has not been made public?

  • Hi,

    Yes, that's possible. Basically, one could offer a jar file containing ProM plugins for download which, when put in the correct folder in ProM, would allow the user to use these plugins. These packages will not be part of an official release, which is cumbersome if you try to regenerate any results.

    Kind regards, Eric.

  • Thank you for your detailed response.

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