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plugin error running from CMD

I am running prom nightly build and I want to run local process mining discovery from command line interface:

my script.txt:

params = new org.processmining.lpm.dialogs.LocalProcessModelParameters();




model = runHeadless(context, params);

for (int i = 0; i < model.getSize(); i++) {

  AcceptingPetriNet net = model.getNet(i).getAcceptingPetriNet();

  String exportmodel = "/results/petrinet_" + i + ".pnml"; exportfile = new;

  // Export the Petri net to PNML format

  PnmlExportNet exporter = new PnmlExportNet();

  exporter.exportPetriNetToPNMLFile(context, net, exportfile, PnmlFormat.PNML_1_4);

  // Print the export information

  print("<export file=\"" + exportmodel + "\">");

  print("  <pluginfo>");

  print("    <!-- Additional export information, if needed -->");

  print("  </pluginfo>");

  print("  <bytes>" + exportfile.length() + "</bytes>");




and my batch file is the usual:

@GOTO start


 @set X=%X%;%1

 @GOTO :eof


@set X=.\dist\ProM-Framework.jar

@set X=%X%;.\dist\ProM-Contexts.jar

@set X=%X%;.\dist\ProM-Models.jar

@set X=%X%;.\dist\ProM-Plugins.jar

@for /R .\lib %%I IN ("*.jar") DO @call :add .\lib\%%~nI.jar

@set IMPORTLOG=EventLog\%1

@set EXPORTMODEL=%2.pnml

@set OUTPUT=.\results\

.\jre8\bin\java -da -Xmx8G -classpath "%X%" -Djava.library.path=.//lib -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.cli.CLI -f Scripts/Discover.txt 1> %OUTPUT% 2>&1

set X=


It says error:

Error while executing '[-f, Scripts/Discover.txt]'

org.processmining.contexts.scripting.ScriptExecutor$ScriptExecutionException: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : Undefined argument: context : at Line: 58 : in file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : ( context , params ) 

Exception in thread "main" org.processmining.contexts.scripting.ScriptExecutor$ScriptExecutionException: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : Undefined argument: context : at Line: 58 : in file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : ( context , params ) 

at org.processmining.contexts.scripting.ScriptExecutor.execute(

at org.processmining.contexts.cli.CLI.main(

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

at org.processmining.framework.boot.Boot.boot(

at org.processmining.framework.boot.Boot.boot(

at org.processmining.contexts.cli.CLI.main(

Caused by: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : Undefined argument: context : at Line: 58 : in file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : ( context , params ) 


  • hverbeek
    edited January 2024


    You cannot call a method that requires a plugin context, as you cannot get hold of a proper context. Please replace the following lines:


     PnmlExportNet exporter = new PnmlExportNet();

      exporter.exportPetriNetToPNMLFile(context, net, exportfile, PnmlFormat.PNML_1_4);


    with the following line:


    pnml_export_petri_net_(net, exportfile);       


    and then try again.

    The executor that runs the script actually knows that this method corresponds to a plugin, and then invokes the proper method while inserting a proper context for you.

    In general, if you need to call a plugin from the CLI context, you call it by its declared plugin name. For the PNML exporter, this name is "PNML export (Petri net)" (see the @Plugin annotation for this), which then corresponds to the method name pnml_export_petri_net_: Every upper cases letter becomes a lower case letter, and every series of non alphanumerical characters is replaced by an underscore. Such a plugin method will automatically insert a proper context as the first argument.

    Kind regards, Eric.

  • I fixed it and looks like the main problem is with this :

    model = runHeadless(context, params);

    Error while executing '[-f, Scripts/Discover.txt]'

    org.processmining.contexts.scripting.ScriptExecutor$ScriptExecutionException: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : Undefined argument: context : at Line: 59 : in file: inline evaluation of: ``print("Discovering...");  importlog = System.getenv("IMPORTLOG"); exportmodel . . . '' : ( context , params ) 

    I tried model = search_for_local_process_models(log);

    but it is not outputting the AcceptingPetriNet

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I see. When I suggested you to use the runHeadless method, I did not realize that it needed a plugin context as first argument, and that this would not work.

    Indeed, the result of search_for_local_process_models(log) is an LPMXLog, which basically just wraps the log.

    I've now reinstated the older headless plugin that does result in a LocalProcessModelRanking instead of a LPMXLog. This plugin can be called from your script in two ways:

    1. model = headless_search_for_local_process_models(log)
    2. model = headless_search_for_local_process_models(params)

    The first option creates default parameter values and uses that to discover a local process model from the provided log. The second takes the provided parameter values (which include the log) for the discovery.

    See for details.

    This plugin is available in newly released version 6.14.3 of the LocalProcessModelDiscovery package, please update this package first.

    Kind regards, Eric.

  • Thank you, this is very helpful. However, a problem that occurs is that in both variants, the methods are lead to a StackOverFlowError.

    just calling model = headless_search_for_local_process_models(log) alone leads to this error:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    at org.processmining.framework.plugin.impl.PluginDescriptorImpl.execute(

    at org.processmining.framework.plugin.impl.AbstractPluginDescriptor$1.doInBackground(

    at org.processmining.framework.plugin.ProMFuture$1.doInBackground(

    at javax.swing.SwingWorker$



    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


    Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError

    at org.processmining.lpm.discovery.LocalProcessModelDiscoveryHeadless.runHeadless(

    at org.processmining.lpm.discovery.LocalProcessModelDiscoveryHeadless.runHeadless(

    at org.processmining.lpm.discovery.LocalProcessModelDiscoveryHeadless.runHeadless(

    at org.processmining.lpm.discovery.LocalProcessModelDiscoveryHeadless.runHeadless(

    at org.processmining.lpm.discovery.LocalProcessModelDiscoveryHeadless.runHeadless(

  • Hi,

    Yes, right. I only tested the other plugin method and did not notice that the second one simply keeps calling itself. A new version (6.14.4) solving this is on its way.

     Kind regards, Eric.

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