Setting PLug-in Replay a log on Petri Net for Conformance Analysis
I apologize, I need some assistance. I'm working on a project related to process mining, and I find myself in a situation where I need to compare a PetriNet model (constructed using the Inductive Miner algorithm from a concatenation of 11 XES files) with a single XES file that combines some of the previously mentioned XES files to analyze the Petri Net model. These XES files were obtained after utilizing clustering software. So, the essence of my query is that I need to compare this Petri net model with an XES file. While searching online, I found a plugin in ProM called "Replay a log on Petri Net for Conformance Analysis," which seems to perform this conformity analysis. However, I'm having trouble comprehending all the setup options. Can someone help me understand the settings for this plugin? Additionally, I could use some guidance on interpreting the results obtained after using this plugin. I'm using ProM 6.13.
Optionally, you first need to provide a final marking for the Petri net. Typically, a Petri net comes with an initial marking, but not with a final marking. The replayer needs to know the final marking, as it will attempt to reach this marking in a best possible way.
Next, you need to provide a classifier. This classifier determines the activity name that is related to an event. Typical classifiers are the MXML Legacy Classifier (which allows one transition to model the start of an activity and another to model its completion) and the Event Name classifier (which assumes that a single transition models an activity). Depending on which classifier you choose, the list of activity names below will be updated. Second, you need to map every transition label in the Petri net (left-hand side) to an activity name. This step is required to be able to link transitions in the Petri net to events in the event log.
Finally, you can choose a replay algorithm, and some other things. Most likely, accepting the defaults here will do.
Please let me know in case you have more questions.
Kind regards, Eric.
Thanks a lot for the answer. Can you provide me with a document explaining both the plugin and the fields to be set in a simple and clear way? It would help me a lot to continue the project in question. Thanks for your attention and have a nice day.
Unfortunately, such a document does not exist. There is a very old description that can be found on, but the plug-in has changed a bit since then. I'm also not a developer of this plug-in.
Kind regards, Eric.
Thank you very much for the document released. I would like to ask you a further question. There is a plugin in ProM that allows you to carry out a compliance analysis following the following project specification: "This study focuses on creating a configurable business model based on event-based logs, using process mining algorithms within the framework ProM. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of different data analysis structures, comparing the application of the algorithms on complete datasets and on pre-clustered subsets with the K-Medoids method.
Conformity analysis plays a fundamental role in this context, as it allows you to detect and quantify any inconsistencies between the process model and a concatenation of event logs obtained from clustering. This type of analysis is used to verify whether what really happened conforms to the model and vice versa."
Thank you for your attention, good evening.
I'm not sure what now your question is.
If you want to know whether some plug-in exists that takes given input and produces a given output, you can do that with ProM itself. Just start ProM, import your inputs, go to the Actions tab, select the input, and then select the output type you desire. ProM then lists all plug-ins that can take these input and produce an output of that type.
Kind regards, Eric.
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