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Question about the "Convert Petri net to BPMN diagram" Plugin
Dear ProM-Users,
It's my first post here, so I hope that this is the right thread.
I try to figure out some rules to convert a petri net to a BPMN diagram and use the ProM plugin of A. Kalenkova for this purpose. ProM shows three different outputs of this plugin:
- BPMN Diagram
- Transition conversion map
- Place conversion map
My question: how can I get the two conversion maps? Once I run the plugin, it just shows me the BPMN diagram but nothing else.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
Hi Thomas,
I think these maps are generated for future use. Although you can access them from the All tab, there is nothing you can do with them: No visualizers, exporters, or plug-ins that take these maps as input have been implemented.
Kind regards, Eric.
Howdy, Stranger!
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