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Dependency matrix issue

edited September 2023 in Process Mining

I've been playing around with various tools to try and understand / generate dependency matrices.

This is my very small data set :

 patient handling handling_id registration_type time      employee

test1  C1    NULL9    complete     2023-01-31 13:01:28 NULL    

test1  C2    NULL12   complete     2023-01-31 12:41:42 NULL    

test1  A1    NULL13   complete     2023-01-31 10:01:46 NULL    

test1  I1    NULL14   complete     2023-01-31 10:00:33 NULL    

test2  M1    NULL16   complete     2023-02-02 21:58:00 NULL    

test2  C2    NULL18   complete     2023-01-31 12:57:44 NULL    

test2  A1    NULL20   complete     2023-01-31 10:15:00 NULL    

test2  I1    NULL21   complete     2023-01-31 10:14:17 NULL    

test3  C2    NULL27   complete     2023-01-31 14:23:47 NULL    

test3  A1    NULL29   complete     2023-01-31 10:18:00 NULL    

test3  I1    NULL30   complete     2023-01-31 10:17:21 NULL    

test4  A1    NULL38   complete     2023-01-31 12:49:00 NULL    

test4  C2    NULL39   complete     2023-01-31 12:34:08 NULL    

test4  A1    NULL40   complete     2023-01-31 12:34:00 NULL    

test4  C1    NULL41   complete     2023-01-31 11:04:33 NULL    

test4  A1    NULL42   complete     2023-01-31 10:46:00 NULL    

test4  I1    NULL43   complete     2023-01-31 10:45:25 NULL    

When I run a dependency matrix I get this :


# A tibble: 9 x 7

antecedent consequent  dep from_id to_id   n label

I1      A1       0.8     5    1    4 4     

C2       C1       0.5     3     2    1 1     

A1      C2       0.5     1    3    5 5     

A1      End      0.5     1    4    1 1     

C1      End      0.5     2    4    2 2     

C2      End      0.5     3    4    2 2     

M1      End      0.5     6    4    1 1     

Start    I1       0.8     7    5     4 4     

C2      M1       0.5     3    6    1 1     

I was looking at one of the van der Aalst videos on dependency graphs, and I would have thought that if you apply the antecedent/consequent approach to calculate the matrix e.g. as b follows a etc, then the calculation would be dep = a/a+1 but you can see we get values like 0.5 which is basically impossible as I understand it. E.g. A1 --> C2 you have a count of 5 so (5-0) / (5+0+1) = 0.8333, not 0.5

Any help appreciated.

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