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error when build ProM project

here is the error description:

description: The declared package "org.processmining.models.workshop.fbetancor.dataqualityaspects.domainConsistency" does not match the expected package "org.processmining.models.workshop.fbetancor.dataqualityaspects.DomainConsistency"


Path:/ProM Workshop/src/org/processmining/models/workshop/fbetancor/dataqualityaspects/DomainConsistency

Location: line 1

type: Java Problem

how can i fix that?


  • Hi,

    This is because the class resides in the folder named "DomainCosistency" (with capital D) but the package declaration in the class mentions "domainConsistency" (with lowercase d). Please make sure they match.

    While you're a tit, you may want to drop all capitals in these names completely. The Java Code Conventions mention that package names should use lower case characters if possible. So, here the preferred name would be "domainconsistency".

    Kind regards,


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