Manually add packages due to poor connection on VM
Sorry - this is likely not a frequent problem.
I'm trying to install ProM packages on a remote VM (I do not have admin privileges). For some reason, some packages (GraphViz currently) cannot be downloaded. They download fine on different machines. In the ProM package manager, the "Downloading: GraphViz-6.12.4" simply blocks forever.
So - I've tried manually copying the package (packages/graphviz-6.12.4) from another ProM instance over to the VM's packages/ folder. However, the package manager nor ProM recognize it. (In fact, it seems the package manager only shows packages for which "install" was clicked, and no intermediary packages that were also installed).
So, my question: does ProM / package manager store a separate file where installed packages are listed? (the packages.xml file does not seem to contain "install" flags, but I could be wrong).
Sorry, I clearly did not have a close enough look at packages.xml :-( It has an <installed-packages> element that lists the installed packages. After adding an entry for GraphViz it shows up in the package manager.
So, never mind :-)
Howdy, Stranger!
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