Which plugin can visualize GlobalConformanceResult?
I'm trying to use the plugin in https://github.com/MartinKabierski/Conformance_Sketching, but it outputs the result with the format of GlobalConformanceResult. I can't visualize it in ProM nor export it to disk. So I want to know how to do it?
thanks for asking for guidance and for the interest in the plugin. I pushed a new version of the plugin tio the Github repository, that contains a parameter dialog and a rudimentary visualizer for the result. Up to this point the result has been printed onto stdout, so you should also be able to see the calculated values in your editor as well. The visualizer at the moment only works for the fitness and deviation goal, I will keep expanding it asap, but hope this already helps. So please, pull the new version from the repository, as this should now be able to properly vizualize the results in ProM itself.
Should you need any of the other features, that are only accessible through code at the moment (resource-related deviations or quality checking) please let me know, then I will prioritize adding UI components for these.
Please also note,m that I changed the name of the plugin. Its now called "Check sample-based Conformance using Incremental Conformance Checking".
Best regards,
Martin Kabierski
Hello Martin,
Thanks for your anwser to my question, I will download the updated version of your plugin and try it!
Best regards!
Peiyu Sun
Howdy, Stranger!
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