The usage of Earth-movers' stochastic conformance plugin
Would you also have the model that you're using to compare?
Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner -
I have no models to compare. The models I use are mined by the plugin 'Mine stochastic Petri net from log' .
I am also trying to use this plugin, but the result is the same above.
I attached a model (slpn format) and a log (csv and xes).
Both are very small because I want to understand the basic idea of the stochastic conformance checking.
Please give me some comments.
I think the log completely conforms to the model.
sorry, but I still can't use this plugin to get a proper answer
With the help of the plugin's developer, I could resolve my problem.
ProM6.12 seems to use version 6.12.18 of the plugin, and the version seems to be too old.
I obtained version 6.13.23 by installing the nightly build of the ProM6.
The new version gives me the expected result.
Because I don't know how to update the plugin in ProM6.12 properly, I replaced the old version to the new one improperly, or used the nightly build.
Howdy, Stranger!
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