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Fail to resolve Ivy
in ProM 6
Ivy fail to resolve ProM packages, but it worked in the early time. I noticed that the certificate of had expired since yesterday. I wonder if there is a relation between failure of Ivy resolution and the expiration of the certificate and when will it get right.
Hi,I guess this relation is indeed there. Ivy fails to resolve the dependencies for me as well now. I'll escalate this to get a new certificate for regards,Eric.
Hi @hyhycanfly,We now have a new certificate for, Ivy resolve now works again.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi @hverbeek ,
There is another problem occurred with the ProM packages source. The source page at now can not open, as well as Ivy resolve always fails due to unfound sources.
I'm not sure if it is the network error, but I have switched another network and used another computer to open the page and the result is still failed.
Hi @hverbeek ,
There is another problem occurred with the ProM packages source. The source page at now can not open, as well as Ivy resolve always fails due to unfound sources.
I'm not sure if it is the network error, but I have switched another network and used another computer to open the page and the result is still failed.
Hi @hyhycanfly ,For the moment, the server is down :-(.Yesterday, several servers including needed to reboot for security updates.Unfortunately, the servers did not come up after the update because the reboot stopped somewhere. We're investigating the issue.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi hverbeek,
Thanks for your kind reply. Hope the problem can be solved soon. -
Hi @hverbeek ,
Thanks for your notice. There's still a trouble with my Ivy resolve. The message from Ivy below:
"download failed: prom-libs#org.eclipse.uml2.uml;3.1.2.v201010261927!org.eclipse.uml2.uml.jardownload failed: prom-libs#org.eclipse.emf.ecore;2.8.3.v20130125-0546!org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar
I have tried several times, and it seems like these two dependencies can not be downloaded. -
Hi @hyhycanfly ,That is strange, I just tried after have cleaned all caches, and for me the resolve worked.Do you have these dependencies explicit in your ivy.xml file, or do you use a dependency on the EMF package (either direct or indirect)?Kind regards,Eric.
Hi @hverbeek,
The problem solved after I uncommented the recently used dependency "LogFiltering". It seems like the dependency use the EMF package. Now I avoid using this package and the Ivy resolve and run of ProM become successful.
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