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How do I add my own plug-in to PROM6
Hi,Of course the proper annotation s(like @plugin) should be there. But if you have it packaged in a jar file, then adding that jar file to the classpath should work. I would avoid using wildcards in the classpath, as I'm not sure how this is handled in general on WIndows machines.If ProM starts, it will scan all jar files in the classpath for plugins. If your jar file is not listed, ProM did not find it on the classpath. To see this list, you may have to set VERBOSE to ALL in the ProM.ini file first.Kind regards,Eric.
Please see for the @Plugin annotation.As an example how you can use these annotations, please see
- The @Plugin annotation flags a class or a method as a plugin.
- The @PluginVariant annotation flags a method as a certain variant (taking possibly only a proper subset of the inputs) of a plugin. As examples, the first variant in the example takes all three inputs (event log, classifier, and parameters), whereas the second variant only takes the first (index 0, i.e., the event log) input.
- The @UITopiaVariant annotation flags the plugin variant as an action to list in ProM. Without the @UITopiaVariant annotation, a plugin (variant) will not show in ProM.
Kind regards,Eric. -
Hi Eric,
I want to know where I can download the relevant package files of @plugin. When I ran the Neconformance source code, the following plug-ins were missing.Kind regards,Hannah. -
Hi @Hannah ,
The missing org.deckfour classes can be found in the OpenXES library that is contained in the Log package. The missing org.processmining classes can be found in the framework libraries (ProM-Framework, etc) that are contained in the dist folder of an installed version of ProM. Adding theses libraries to your project should solve these issues.Kind regards,Eric. -
Hi Eric,
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards,Hannah.
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