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Hey all,
do you have the same problem: "" is not available ?
is the server down or is there a workaround?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards!
do you have the same problem: "" is not available ?
is the server down or is there a workaround?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards!
Hi,The server is not down, but has been disconnected for the time being. The server got compromised somehow, and we first need to sort this out before we can connect it again.Kind regards,Eric.
Oh dear... I keep my fingers crossed, you will fix it. Thank you for your answer.
Best wishes and regards!
Hi,If need be, I can still start jobs on hudson. But then you need to tell me which jobs I should start :-). If so, please send me an e-mail.Kind regards,
Eric. -
Correction: I can start jobs on hudson, but Ivy won't work if it needs to resolve external dependencies :-(. As a result, the builds will just fail.
Uhhh, that sounds not good. Don't worry, I can wait.
Howdy, Stranger!
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