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The running time of fitness is tested in the "conformance checker" plug-in
Hi, I have a problem in ProM5.2, The running time of fitness is tested in the "conformance checker" plug-in, however,I use "",I changed the output information in the source code folder, but there is no change in the console? Is it because the source code of ProM5.2 is packaged into a jar package and cannot be modified? If I want to test the run time for this plugin, is there any other way?
As shown in the figure below, I added the message "Message.add("1111").." at 3 places. After re-running the plug-in, there is no corresponding output at 1 and 2.
Hi,Unless you are running ProM 5.2 from the source codes, changing the source codes will not really help. Ir running ProM 5.2 form the ProM.exe file, you need to replace the corresponding class files in the correct jar file in the lib folder.Note that we are not really supporting ProM 5.2 anymore.Kind regards,Eric.
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