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How to calculate the percentage of nodes located directly inside a well-structured single-entry sing
I saw some experiments in some papers that calculated the percentage of nodes located directly inside a well-structured single-entry single-exit fragment,But I can't find such a plug-in in ProM. How can I get such a plug-in?
I saw some experiments in some papers that calculated the percentage of nodes located directly inside a well-structured single-entry single-exit fragment,But I can't find such a plug-in in ProM. How can I get such a plug-in?
Kind regards,
Hi,That I do not know. Perhaps you could ask the authors of these papers? I would appreciate it that you mention it here if you know which plugin was actually used, as this may help others.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi, When you suggested that I ask the author of this article, I sent an email to the author as soon as possible, but I have not received a reply, which makes me feel very sorry.So I ended up using plug-ins in ProM to measure complexity.But there is another question that I would like to consult. What does "The short-circuited net is unbounded" mean?I found that the show Petri-net Metrics plugin did not work when this problem occurred, and Petri Net was not sound when using the Analyze with Woflan plugin. Kind regards, Wk.
Hi,If the short-circuited net is unbounded, then that net has infinitely many reachable states. Any metric that requires the computation of the entire state space then has to fail, as it simply cannot be done. This typically coincides with the workflow net not having proper completion. Apparently, it is possible to get a token in the end place together with some (at least one) other tokens.Kind regards,Eric.
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