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Failed to read package in 106 milliseconds.

I also encountered this mistake. I don't know how to solve them..
Hi,Please check your ProM.ini file for the lines containing CONNECT_TIMEOUT and READ_TIMEOUT. Ik seems that at least one of these timeouts is set to 100 ms. Please set both timeouts either to a larger value, or to 0:
READ_TIMEOUT = 0Setting both to 0 will have ProM wait until the data has arrived. Downside is that if the data got lost, ProM will wait indefinitely.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,Please check your ProM.ini file for the lines containing CONNECT_TIMEOUT and READ_TIMEOUT. Ik seems that at least one of these timeouts is set to 100 ms. Please set both timeouts either to a larger value, or to 0:
READ_TIMEOUT = 0Setting both to 0 will have ProM wait until the data has arrived. Downside is that if the data got lost, ProM will wait indefinitely.Kind regards,Eric.
and,is the prom running from eclipse the same as the prom opened from the local folder?
Hi,Yes, I've seen this error before, but it is a very general error. Basically, it means that an exception occurred in the plugin that you are trying to run.Typically, if you start ProM from Eclipse, then it takes all changes in the project you start ProM from into account. Depending on your settings in the ProM.ini file, the packages that either version of ProM are using may be different as well. Please check the setting for PROM_USER_FOLDER in both ProM.ini files. If they are identical, they should both use the same packages.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,Yes, I've seen this error before, but it is a very general error. Basically, it means that an exception occurred in the plugin that you are trying to run.Typically, if you start ProM from Eclipse, then it takes all changes in the project you start ProM from into account. Depending on your settings in the ProM.ini file, the packages that either version of ProM are using may be different as well. Please check the setting for PROM_USER_FOLDER in both ProM.ini files. If they are identical, they should both use the same packages.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi,Yes, but make sure that you open the project from its Trunk folder. Like if you want to open a project for the Log package you need to open a project from If you then start ProM from that project (from the launch file in the root folder), your changes will be taken into account.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,Yes, but make sure that you open the project from its Trunk folder. Like if you want to open a project for the Log package you need to open a project from If you then start ProM from that project (from the launch file in the root folder), your changes will be taken into account.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi,No. If you run ProM using the launch file as mentioned before, there is no need to submit your changes to the repository. ProM will then use the source files from the project, and your modifications will be taken into account.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,No. If you run ProM using the launch file as mentioned before, there is no need to submit your changes to the repository. ProM will then use the source files from the project, and your modifications will be taken into account.Kind regards,Eric.
When I download plug-ins, I often encounter this problem. My current operation is to wait for a period of time to download again. Occasionally, I can download successfully. There is no problem with my network. Do you have a better solution?
Hi,You need to get the original exception, the one that is now masked by the InvocationTargetException. If you have some idea of where the exception occurs, I would add a breakpoint just before that, and then go step-by-step to the exception. At some point, the InvocationTargetException is thrown, and then you need to view the contents of that exception. The "cause" field should contain information on the original exception.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,You need to get the original exception, the one that is now masked by the InvocationTargetException. If you have some idea of where the exception occurs, I would add a breakpoint just before that, and then go step-by-step to the exception. At some point, the InvocationTargetException is thrown, and then you need to view the contents of that exception. The "cause" field should contain information on the original exception.Kind regards,Eric.
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