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Why doesn't my eclipse display the .class file?
I tried to search for a lot of solutions, but they couldn't solve my problem. It can display the file .classpath
Eclipse does not display files with the suffix .class.
Hi,My Eclipse also does not display .class files, but I never need to display them. Why do you want to display a .class file?Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,My Eclipse also does not display .class files, but I never need to display them. Why do you want to display a .class file?Kind regards,Eric.
Hi,Basically, the .java files should be sufficient.One thing I did not think of yet, is that the Package Explorer in Eclipse indeed hides the .class files and the bin folder they are in. If you want to see these files, please use the Navigator (see Window / Show View in the menu bar) if you want to see this folder and these files.Kind regards,Eric.
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