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convert the petri net into a direct follow graph

Is there a plug-in that can convert the petri net into a direct follow graph? Thanks ,li.


  • Hi,

    If you are using ProM 6.10 or the ProM Nightly Build, you could install the BaseMiners package, which contains a plugin 'Discover Petri Net using Directly-Follows Miner' that discovers the Direclty Follows graph as a Petri net.

    In the back, this plugin uses the 'Mine Transition System' plugin, which can create a Directly Follows graph as a transition system, and coverts the transition system to a Petri net. If you are fine with a Directly Follows graph as a transition system, you could also use this plugin. To do so, accept all default settings, except the two top percentage sliders, which you should pull completely to the right (100%), and the 'Remove self loops' option, which you should deselect.

    Kind regards,

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