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LPSolve issue when calling Evolutionary Tree Miner


I am experiencing an issue regarding the LPSolve library files while trying to call the Evolutionary Tree Miner from my plugin using the default parameters. As soon as I start executing the plugin, I get this message from the Eclipse console that keeps being printed in an endless loop: Successfully loaded bfp_etaPFI file. The status of the execution does not change or progress beyond this point. I know this file is part of the LPSolve library which I assume it's being used from the ETM. Has anyone experienced this? 

I am using Windows 10, ProM 6.9, JRE 8, LP Solve 5.5.4 and Eclipse version 2020-06. Here is the code that I am running regarding the ETM: 

public Petrinet applyETM(PluginContext context, XLog log) throws ConnectionCannotBeObtained { 
ETMParam param = ETMParamFactory.buildStandardParam(log);
ETM etm = new ETM(param);;
NAryTree tree = etm.getResult();
ProcessTree processTree = NAryTreeToProcessTree.convert(tree, param.getCentralRegistry().getEventClasses());
PetrinetWithMarkings petrinetwithmarkings = null;
try {
petrinetwithmarkings = ProcessTree2Petrinet.convert(processTree);
} catch (NotYetImplementedException e) {
} catch (InvalidProcessTreeException e) {
return petrinetwithmarkings.petrinet;

Appreciate any ideas or recommendations!

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