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Unable to run ProM
Hello everyone,
I have encountered a problem in running both ProM 6.10 and ProM PM 6.10. Indeed, unfortunately, No versions can be run in my computer. As I have run successfully when I first installed ProM 6.9 two month ago (but it became failed several days after then), I tried other computers and it still coundn't work. The bat file runing messages are shown as follow, it seems like 'Context URL set to' is in infinite loop. I have no idea for what happened, how can I fix it? Thanks in advance.
PS C:\Users\Administrator\ProM 6.10> .\ProMPM610.bat
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./dist/ProM-Framework-6.10.110.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./dist/ProM-Contexts-6.10.62.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./dist/ProM-Models-6.10.40.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./dist/ProM-Plugins-6.9.70.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/bsh-2.0b4.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/commons-compress-1.13.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/google-analytics-java-1.1.2.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/guava-16.0.1.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/httpclient-4.5.3.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/httpcore-4.4.6.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/jargs-latest.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/jgraph-
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/junit-4.12.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/log4j-api-2.8.1.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/log4j-core-2.8.1.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.8.1.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/slickerbox-1.0rc1.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/Spex-1.1.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/TableLayout-20050920.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/Uitopia-0.6-20190913.jar
[ProMClassLoader] found in classpath: file:/C:/Users/Administrator/ProM%206.10/./lib/UITopiaResources-0.6-20190913.jar
[Boot] Time A = 518400
[Boot] Time B = 4907800
[Boot] Time A = 33400
[Boot] Time B = 4158800
[Boot] Repository socres 4192200.
[Boot] New best repository
[Boot] Time A = 1183008500
[Boot] Time B = 1625200
[Boot] Repository socres 1184633700.
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
[PackageConfigPerister] Context URL set to
Hi,That is not an indefinite loop, but based on the quality of your network may take some time.As from ProM 6.9, Prom has two possible package repository locations:
-, located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
-, located in Brisbane, Australia.
If you are sure you want to use only one of these repositories, then you can configure this in the ProM.ini file. You can edit this file with your favorite text editor. Around line 16, PACKAGE_URL is set to a space-separated list of both repository URLs. Simply remove the URL of the repository that you do not want to use, and then start ProM again.Event then, it may takes some time before ProM gets all required information for the packages, please be patient. Also, installing packages may take some time.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,That is not an indefinite loop, but based on the quality of your network may take some time.As from ProM 6.9, Prom has two possible package repository locations:
-, located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
-, located in Brisbane, Australia.
If you are sure you want to use only one of these repositories, then you can configure this in the ProM.ini file. You can edit this file with your favorite text editor. Around line 16, PACKAGE_URL is set to a space-separated list of both repository URLs. Simply remove the URL of the repository that you do not want to use, and then start ProM again.Event then, it may takes some time before ProM gets all required information for the packages, please be patient. Also, installing packages may take some time.Kind regards,Eric.- Thank you for your reply. It seems that the demand of the network is strict. These two days, I have tried a lot of runs of the ProMPM bat file. The result is that most of attempts failed and only one time that I successfully saw the interface ( But the next try still failed). It is upset that the most of the runnings stuck in some point that the program became unprogressive.
Howdy, Stranger!
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