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Alignment unsuccessful
I was using the statechart plugin in prom and Unfortunately, in my event logs alignment algorithm does not compute
And the following error is displayed.
Where does the problem come from, my events log or alignment algorithm?
Note that the model discovered by the statechart plugin is correct for my event logs.
A sample event log was attached.prom 6.9
The error message "Alignment unsuccessful" is shown when no alignment could be computed, in which case the workbench will fall back to approximations. There are various reasons why no alignment could be computed. One known reason is (the combination of) long traces and/or a deep hierarchy (with recursion) in the discovered models. Considering your sample.txt input, I find this reason unlikely in this case. Another might be that the alignment algorithm itself is missing some dependencies. Are you able to run the alignment algorithm manually via a prom action? In addition, is the console log showing any error messages or stack traces?
Kind regards,
Eric Verbeek (On behalf of Maikel Leemans)
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