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Petri Net Simulation
Hello, I would like to ask what is the best way to simulate a Petri Net? Is there a "best" Prom plugin to do so? Or also is it possible with just python?
I am interested in simulating a manufacturing system mined with PM and then evaluate the performance.
Thanks a lot for help!
Hello Giovanni,This I do not know by heart. I know that ProM 6 can simulate stochastic Petri nets, but that's about it. There is no conversion from, say, a data Petri net to a CPN model such that you can then simulate the model in CPN Tools. Such a concersion did exist in ProM 5.2, if memory serves me right.ProM 6 (Nightly Build) does now include an export from a Petri net to a (flat) CPN model. But information like processing times and such will not be exported.Sorry I cannot help you better.Kind regards,Eric.
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