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SVN credentials asked for IvyDE resolve
Recently I've been following this guide to set up an Eclipse environment to test some ProM plugins:
I've installed Eclipse with the Marketplace and both the Subclipse and IvyDE extensions. The current workstation and its installed versions are shown below:
Operative System: Linux Fedora 31 - 5.6.11-200.fc31.x86_64 GNU/Linux
Eclipse: Version 2019-09 (4.13)
Java: openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
Apache IvyDE: org.apache.ivyde.feature
Subversion Revision Graph: org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.graph.feature
Subclipse SVN Team Provider Core: org.tigris.subversion.subclipse
Subclipse SVNKit Client Adapter: org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.svnkit.feature
So, I've gotten to the step [First Steps > 6. Select "Trunk" and "Finish"] on that Contribute webpage. The SVN checkout works well and then IvyDE starts its resolve step.
Whenever IvyDE is resolving it constantly asks me for credentials to be able to access the SVN repository, dozens of times until I cancel it. Unfortunately I have no such credentials to provide.

Taking a look at the example, if I understand the `ivysettings.xml` file correctly, then it should be accessing some files in . With a web browser I can easily access that path, the ivysettings and any JARs in it. I wonder why it keeps asking for SVN credentials when these files are publicly accessible.
Also in the example above, I am also following this comment ( ) and checking out a plugin directly. I have also tried to use the exact URL that is mentioned in the Contribute instructions and in both cases it keeps asking me for credentials.
Did someone had a similar problem or can anyone give me some pointers on this?
By the way. The ProM releases themselves are running fine on this machine.
Thank you all very much,
Sorry if I'm messing up something really basic, Java is not my main language.
Hello Rafael,Please check the location of the SVN repository that you are using for your project. It should be "" or a subfolder of that. If you are using, for example, "", this may happen as this repository location is not public read, while "" is.Note that, as a result, there is a difference between:
- using the location "" and then selecting the "Packages/ActiTrac/Trunk" folder for the project, and
- using the location "" and then selecting the folder "repos/prom/Packages/ActiTrac/Trunk" folder for the project.
Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric, thank you for your reply.Long story short, I did the exact same steps on a Windows machine and now it works. It's difficult to pinpoint where the issue lies but something in the Linux ecosystem is the cause of it.Thank you for your time!Before testing on a Windows machine, I looked into the repository paths you mentioned. My repository was in fact set to "".I then tried to checkout the project using multiple URLs and paths. The results are below:
"" + select "Packages/ActiTrac/Trunk"
=> IvyDE asks for credentials
"" + select "Trunk"
=> IvyDE asks for credentials
=> SVN does not allow selecting a path and will fail with "Unable to connect to a repository"Although I'm intrigued, I will just accept that it works on Windows and move on.Thank you again for looking into it.Best regards,Rafael
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