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Export-to-Disk issue with ProM 6.9 on OSX 10.15 (Catalina)
Export-to-Disk issue with ProM 6.9 on OSX 10.15 (Catalina)
Hi, I am trailing ProM6.9 on a Mac, using the 'bundle app: ProM 6.9 with 64-bit JRE8'.
I start my ProM application from command line (./ and it starts and runs OK.
But when I want to save an result set (XES event log) to disk (Resource tab > button 'Export to disk'), the application throws a java error: "Error with export of /User/../../prom-6.9-all-platforms/export1.xes: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException"
There is actually an empty (0 bytes) file created on the target location (=good!), but the file is empty (=NOT good).
Maybe the java process does not have enough privileges to write to file?
(but apparently is allowed to create empty file?)
I also tested by starting the java program from command line as sudo: 'sudo ./' but this does not help (same error)
Any help is welcome, as saving intermediate result-sets is quite important.
Many thanks,
Hi, I am trailing ProM6.9 on a Mac, using the 'bundle app: ProM 6.9 with 64-bit JRE8'.
I start my ProM application from command line (./ and it starts and runs OK.
But when I want to save an result set (XES event log) to disk (Resource tab > button 'Export to disk'), the application throws a java error: "Error with export of /User/../../prom-6.9-all-platforms/export1.xes: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException"
There is actually an empty (0 bytes) file created on the target location (=good!), but the file is empty (=NOT good).
Maybe the java process does not have enough privileges to write to file?
(but apparently is allowed to create empty file?)
I also tested by starting the java program from command line as sudo: 'sudo ./' but this does not help (same error)
Any help is welcome, as saving intermediate result-sets is quite important.
Many thanks,
Hi W'tz,Can you try to export your file to a different folder on your hard disk? The OS may just protect the ProM folder as it belongs to an app. Some OSs restrict access to such folders.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,
Thanks, but no, same error if I try to export to Desktop or any other folder...
Howdy, Stranger!
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