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How can I use statechart generate sequence diagram
Hello everyone,
I have a software eventlog,Now I want to find a sequence diagram from it.
I have try to adjust parameter in the "Log Hierarchy"panel,but still can’t get the right result,I guess the event log is not layered correctly.I think the packages should contain classes,and classes contain methods(in my event log metnod is event).And the sequence diagram should contain object,and the relationships between objects which can be represent by methods between them.I want to find it.Attached is my event log,What's the problem?
Thank you in advance.
Unable to upload file,my event log contains attrebutes as fellow: case:an excution of the software event:methods software:classobject software:callerclassobject software:class software:callerclass software:callerpackage software:starttimenano software:package software:endtimenano software:callermethod
Unable to upload file,my event log contains attrebutes as fellow: case:an excution of the software event:methods software:classobject software:callerclassobject software:class software:callerclass software:callerpackage software:starttimenano software:package software:endtimenano software:callermethod
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