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How can I download and install the Statechart workbench?
I have read"Statechart ProM Plugin – User Manual",where said that I have two way can download it,one view,which I can not understand what it says,the other I can download it from prom package manager,which I cant find it from my package the way ,I use prom 6.7.
Can anybody help me?
Hi,In ProM 6.7, you need to install the Statechart package using the ProM Package Manager. I would advice to use ProM 6.9, as this contains the latest released versions of all plugins. In ProM 6.9, the Statechart package is also auto-installed.You can also download the noghtly Build, which is an archive that you can unpack, and that contains two batch (script) files: ProM.bat (.sh) and PackageManager.bat (.sh). You can then run ProM using the ProM.bat file and/or the Package Manager using the PackageManager.bat file. The Nightly Build uses the latest versions of the packages.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you Eric. Firstly,I download the nightly build,which PackageManager.bat (.sh)can run,but ProM.bat can not.I dont know where package has been downloaded,because when I open prom 6.7,it still dont have the plugin I want.So I download prom 6.9,which finally runs and I successfully use the plug in. Hope my feedback can help more people.
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