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Is it recommended to implement Prom 6.9 in a Citrix XenApp environment?


We are in the process of implementing Prom 6.9. We would like to have it implemented within Citrix XenApp 19.06.2. But are unsure how this will perform. We know this also depends on the used plugins, but what will your advise be in general?

Thanks in advance for the answer.


  • Hi,

    I'm not too familiar with Citrix, so I do not know the ramifications of running ProM on such a server.

    If implemented with Citrix, will the application run on the server, or on the client? Preferably, this should be the client. If it runs on the client, it is important to check where the packages get installed. Preferably, this is on the client as well, as one user should not be able to uninstall packages for another user.

    Some plugins may require many resources (like RAM, but also time). Even the Alpha Miner may require much time (depends on the log at hand). For this reason, running ProM on the client is preferred, as otherwise the load on the server may be just too high.

    Please let me know whether this helps, or whether you have additional questions.

    Kind regards,

  • @hverbeek Thank you for the answer. We would like to implemented the application on the server. However following your answer this is not preferred. So we will implement on a client locally and integrate this with the Citrix session. In this way all load is on the workstation.

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