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Perform Predictions of Business Process Features
Hi everyone,
I currently try to make some predictions with ProM 6.9. Therefore, I have applied the plugin “Perform Predictions of Business Process Features”. One of the results of the “predictor” is shown below.
I am not sure what the decision tree tells me, regarding the numbers of the leaf nodes. In example, the activity BILLED (54207.0/3674.0) occurs. I guess the first number shows the corresponding cases of the underlying event log that follow the routing. But what is the second number about?
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards
Hi Simon,The corresponding paper mentions that the first number is "the number of instances for that leaf"and the second number is "the absolute error averaged over all instances with that leaf (in milliseconds)".If you select the plugin in ProM, it will show some help text in the "Plugin action info". Here, you can find the corresponding paper and more details I guess.Kind regards,Eric.
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