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transform log in abstraction pattern plug-in
when I use the pattern abstraction plug-in it works very well for discovering patterns, modifying abstractions and so on. However, is it also possible to replace the found patterns by some abstractions in the log? E.g., if there is a frequent pattern "abc" can I replace it in the log by "A" and store this modified log in a file? (It seems the "Transform log" - button on the pattern based abstraction viewer doesn't work.)
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Edit JBuijs: moved to correct category
when I use the pattern abstraction plug-in it works very well for discovering patterns, modifying abstractions and so on. However, is it also possible to replace the found patterns by some abstractions in the log? E.g., if there is a frequent pattern "abc" can I replace it in the log by "A" and store this modified log in a file? (It seems the "Transform log" - button on the pattern based abstraction viewer doesn't work.)
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Edit JBuijs: moved to correct category
Hi Christian,
The transform log functionality is meant serve exactly that purpose i.e., to replace patterns with abstract activities. Are you using the latest version (nightly build) of Pattern Abstractions plug-in? Can you be more specific about what you mean by "it doesn't work"? The transform log option is functional and in case you encounter a problem/issue with it, can you send more details about it? Would be helpful if you can also share a sample log.
Hi JC,
many thanks for your response! What I mean with "doesn't work" is, that I didn't get a transformed log file. When I press "Transform Log" on the main window of the plug-in (see the attached screenshot "mainwindow.jpg") a file dialog opens (attached screenshot "fileDialogue.jpg"). But when I enter a filename no new file of this name is created (there was no file of that name in the directory before).
At the moment I use the version ProM-nightly-20110626-1.6 and the data are the repairExample.xes example data.
Hi Christian,
There are two aspects:
1. The transform log in the nightly build version does work (I used the nightly build of today-20110704-1.6); At the transform log->file save option, you need to provide a file name with .xes.gz extension e.g,. RepairExampleAbstraction.xes.gz. You should see a file with that name in your output directory.
2. A more important aspect is that, for some reason, the nightly build is not reflecting the new version of the pattern abstractions plugin. Do you have access to the SVN (source packages) repository? If so, can you please check out the "PatternAbstractions" package and use this for your anlaysis. It has been substantially updated with respect to functionality and performance. The plugin should be as a visualizer with the name Pattern Abstractions (New).
I will check as to why the discrepancy exists in the nightly builds and sort that out in the mean time.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Hi Christian,
Regarding the discrepancy in the versions of the plugin,
In the nightly build, you would need to first invoke the package manager (batch file) and install the "PatternAbstractions" package (v 6.1.11). It should be available in the "Uninstalled" Tab in the package manager installation. In case you do not see the package there, you need to do either of the following:
(i) delete your .ProM folder in your home directory or
(ii) edit the following lines in the ProM.ini file in the nightly build:
PACKAGE_FOLDER = packages => PACKAGE_FOLDER = ./XXXXX/packages (you can give any name to XXXXX)
Invoke the Package Manager and install the package. Upon successful installation of the PackageAbstractions package, you should now see "Pattern Abstraction (New)" in the log visualizer options. This contains the latest implementation of the plugin.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
I had the same problem, but now that I use as output format log.xes.gz it works. Perhaps it is a good idea to make this the default format for the transform log-function. Great plug-in by the way!
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