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Simulating ProM results and using Excel to forecast them
I'm trying to find how to simulate the results of my model in ProM using Excel through Monte Carlo method.
I can get the mean, max, and time in addition to the standard deviation from the Statechart workbench for my triangular distribution simulation.
I still need to know how to do that together nevertheless in addition to how to know if the logical modifier is an AND gate or an XOR gate in the Petri net/process
This is my petri net in the statechart

And here's the view of activities with the performance/conformance report in inductive miner view

Thank you for your help. This is the first time I use this program.
I'm trying to find how to simulate the results of my model in ProM using Excel through Monte Carlo method.
I can get the mean, max, and time in addition to the standard deviation from the Statechart workbench for my triangular distribution simulation.
I still need to know how to do that together nevertheless in addition to how to know if the logical modifier is an AND gate or an XOR gate in the Petri net/process
This is my petri net in the statechart

And here's the view of activities with the performance/conformance report in inductive miner view

Thank you for your help. This is the first time I use this program.
Hi,I think you need to come up with a very specific question on a very specific example where that example is as small as it can be. For now, I have no idea what you are looking for.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you.
I am trying to simulate the same model from ProM using Excel.
For that, I'm not sure what logical gates are represented in my Petri net.
I would like to know how to distinguish AND fro XOR gates in the petri net -
Hi,A transition (the rectangular shapes) are always AND, the places (the oval shapes) are always XOR.It seems, in your model all transitions have a single input and a single output. Hence, there is no concurrency.Kind regards,Eric.
Howdy, Stranger!
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