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Error By Using Declare Replayer Package
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to measure the fitness of the declare model by using Declare replayer package. however, when I run the package, I always get this error message ( java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero). Also, I tried many different models by the same package and getting this type of error.
So, anyone can help to resolve this issue?
Thanks all.
the Prom version Prom 6.8
The package name: Declare Replayer

I am trying to measure the fitness of the declare model by using Declare replayer package. however, when I run the package, I always get this error message ( java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero). Also, I tried many different models by the same package and getting this type of error.
So, anyone can help to resolve this issue?
Thanks all.
the Prom version Prom 6.8
The package name: Declare Replayer

Hello Jasim,I do not have an in-depth knowledge on the Declare replayer, but it seems that you have two traces, and that both traces fail to replay. It is clear that the replay of the second trace fails, as this is in the screenshot, but I assume the replay of the first also fails, as this explains the error: Some average is computed over the successfully replayed traces.Perhaps it would be best to contact Fabrizio Maggi (see on this, as he is the lead developer on this.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,
Thank you so much for your helpful information. -
hverbeek said:Hello Jasim,I do not have an in-depth knowledge on the Declare replayer, but it seems that you have two traces, and that both traces fail to replay. It is clear that the replay of the second trace fails, as this is in the screenshot, but I assume the replay of the first also fails, as this explains the error: Some average is computed over the successfully replayed traces.Perhaps it would be best to contact Fabrizio Maggi (see on this, as he is the lead developer on this.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you so much for your helpful information.
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