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How can I convert output of Fuzzy Miner into a Petrinet?

Hello all,

For Process discovery I am using fuzzy miner algorithm and its output is Metrics Repository Object. Now I want to
convert it to petrinet so that I can export a .pnml file and use it for further analysis. But I am not able to find any plugin
related to it. So anybody knows how to do this? 

Or can I directly export output of Fuzzy miner algorithm as a .pnml file? At the end I want to work on .pnml file for 
further analysis.  

Thank You


  • Hi,

    The short answer is: you cannot. The fuzzy model simply lacks semantics, it's only a picture suggesting some causal relations. There is no conversion to Petri nets as this would necessarily fix the semantics of the Fuzzy model, which does not exist.

    For getting a Petri net, please use other discovery algorithms, like the inductive miner.

    Kind regards,
  • Hi Eric,

    Thanks for your quick reply :smile: . I studied the code for fuzzy miner and also the class Repository Metrics. I actually wanted the data that was contained in the metrics which was obtained after fuzzy mining. I got that data through CLI.      
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