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Company organization
Dear BPIC19 team!
Our team have a question about company organization.
Thank you in advance,
Elizaveta Povaliaeva
HSE Moscow
Our team have a question about company organization.
We understood from data that we have some = 4/60 subsidiaries of the company, each of these subsidiaries made purchases from vendors (B2B process). And we see strange no identical distribution between vendors, companies and spend area.
The question: Should we investigate in this distribution or it's out of the challenge and?
The question: Should we investigate in this distribution or it's out of the challenge and?
Thank you in advance,
Elizaveta Povaliaeva
HSE Moscow
Dear organisers, we really need the answer to the question above
I do not know what category you are competing for, however, regardless of the category, I believe that if you find this matter of the distribution interesting/relevant, then you are free to investigate it.
The challenge is quite "open", three main questions are provided but you are not forced to address only those.
Just bear in mind that the results you will provide in the report should be original, interesting for the company, and presented in a professional manner.
Good luck!
Howdy, Stranger!
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